His Image in Your Countenance
9 Nov 2024
Heidi Applegarth
I considered myself a happy person. I felt joy in my life and blessed in my marriage. Yet when I spoke to others about my life in a mixed-orientation marriage, I often cried hot tears. They were tears that communicated anger and told others that I felt myself a victim and a martyr…and I did. In my mind, I was not a victim of my husband or our marriage but of those who disagreed with our choice to be together or who refused to see how happy we were.

I Missed It! (No, not the plane)
6 Sep 2024
The Lord has often used mountains as a sacred place to teach and reveal to his servants sacred things. Like Nephi, Moses and the brother of Jared. We too can be given further light and knowledge. Our temples are established on “the mountain of the Lord”. (Isaiah 2:2) I believe the temple is like being on the top of a high mountain. We have a clearer view and perspective; nothing is obstructing our view. We are able to see our true selves, our divine identity, our life and the Savior as they really are.

Nevertheless I Know In Whom I Have Trusted
1 March 2024
Kevin Harris
As I accepted my mother’s death, I believe that Jesus wept with me. Peace and pain can coexist during such times. That is when the love of God, through our Savior Jesus Christ, is most needed. In moments like that I picture the Savior holding me in His arms and saying “I know this is so painful for you right now. I will feel your pain with you if you let me. Then when you are ready, I will help you through it.”

The Power of Choice
13 Feb 2024
Jeffery Bennion
Why is it that sometimes we want to deny our power over our own lives, why do we sometimes resist the idea that we can choose for ourselves? There is a comforting absolution in saying, “I can’t.” I have felt it often and even succumbed to it at times. But if that surrender is not tempered with the wisdom to know the difference between the things we can and cannot change, that absolution comes at a terrible price. This denial of our ability to influence the course of our lives is always accompanied by those toxic twins, despair and blame.

Why Covenants?
10 January 2024
Spencer Thompson
I know that this path is hard and can feel overwhelming and complicated. We all are at various places in relationship to our covenants and to our Heavenly Father and Christ. But I testify that as you continue to strive to keep your covenants and follow Christ wherever you are at, He will meet you there, carry you and offer you the type of relief that only He offers.

Share in the Light of Christ: A Reflection on Christmas
1 Dec 2023
Brent Ebmeyer
Simple, small acts of light bring bright beams of joy into the hearts of our dear siblings in Christ. Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, helps the Light of Christ shine brighter in this world, penetrating the corners of darkness, and bringing hope, peace, and love.

8 Nov 2023
Alex Lindstrom
In moments that can easily turn to lust or a negative view of myself and my feelings, I can invite God into the picture and see what He thinks.

Worth and Healing
1 Oct 2023
Nickolas Coons
We come into this world “trailing clouds of glory,” and no matter what trials of life may beat us down--through all the storms, battered and bruised, our worth is never tarnished, though it may appear that way to those who can only see the surface.

Strength Beyond My Own: Empowering Individuals within the Gospel of Jesus Christ
6 June 2023
By Brent & Courtney Ebmeyer
Sexual orientation and gender identity are complex and unique to each individual. They encompass a wide range of experiences and often challenge existing beliefs and our religious and cultural norms. By acknowledging the complexities involved, North Star aims to provide a platform for dialogue, education, and growth, enabling individuals to better understand themselves and others within the framework of their faith and testimonies.

Three Sentence Response
4 May 2023
By Tanya Bennion
Love God. Love myself as God does. Love my neighbor as God does. This set of three sentences are God's greatest commandments.

Small and Simple, but not Easy
4 Mar 2023
By Jenn Curtis
It took work and time to change, and it happened by working on the “small and simple things.”

A Gift Received, A Gift Given
30 Jan 2023
Nickolas Coons
God's divine design is ever present in our lives, guiding us to realize our divine potential.

What If I Don’t Have a Place in Heavenly Father’s Plan?
20 Dec 2022
Jeff Bennion
I used to ask myself this question a lot, but I have realized that everyone has a place in the kingdom of God.

“If I’m Accepting of My LGBTQ Child, Exactly What Am I Accepting?”
7 April 2022
Becky Mackintosh
“Do I love and support my church?” or “Do I love and support my child who has a same-sex partner?” We can do both.[1] —Elder Dale G. Renlund

Ten Suggestions for those Struggling with General Conference
28 Sep 2020
Jeff Bennion
A list of ideas for you if you find yourself struggling with a message or a speaker you might hear during General Conference.

A Mindful Approach to Sexuality - Part I
6 Oct 2020
Jacob Hess, Ty Mansfield, Blake Fisher, Blaine Hickman
Proposing a new conversation about a gentle, spacious, patient, agentic way to navigate questions around sexuality and identity.

Misconceptions about Mindfulness and Sexuality - Part 2
24 Nov 2020
By Jacob Hess, Blake Fisher, Blaine Hickman, Ty Mansfield
In part two we address a few of the widespread confusions about what mindfulness means (and doesn’t mean) for questions around sexuality and identity.