North Star’s mission is to be a faith affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation and gender identity who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrine and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The purpose of North Star is to be a spiritually uplifting resource for individuals and families dealing with these complex issues. North Star is a peer-led, lay religious, education, and support ministry. It also empowers individuals to help educate themselves, their family, friends, and Church leaders as they strive to become integrated more fully and lovingly into the Church community.
We hope you will find something here that will be meaningful for your life—that it will be a place where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from the experiences of others. The resources provided here are intended to be spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially supportive. You are not alone in your desire to find balance, knowledge, and support.
Members of our community explain how North Star has become an invaluable resource to them personally and within their families.
We hope you will find something here that will be meaningful for your life—that it will be a place where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from others.

Why are we the way we are? Why were we born into this world with the complex and wonderful bundle of characteristics that make us who we are? Why were we born with knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Billions of people have been born unto this earth who do not have this knowledge. Why is it that we, out of those 100 billion, were given the gift and the responsibility of a knowledge of the gospel? And, most critically, what does that mean about our responsibilities and obligations while we are here on this earth and beyond?
The Why? question is central to everyone, but perhaps especially to all of us in the SSA (same-sex attraction) and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Latter-day Saint communities. Why? Why am I the way I am? What is its purpose, and what is its meaning for my life and God’s plan for me?
We have been exploring these questions individually and collectively for many years. North Star is a peer-led community of individuals and families who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ, who are navigating experiencing same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria while reconciling those feelings with our faith.
While we don’t claim to have all the answers, we do try to share our collective knowledge and life experiences within the community. More than just providing one-size-fits-all answers, we find those who participate in our community are edified by sharing fellowship and entering dialogue. As you peruse the resources we have created, we hope you will be uplifted and inspired. May you find joy in your journey and peace in your hearts.
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria (e.g. transgender feelings) are sensitive and complex issues that Church members and leaders alike are learning to face with increasing openness and candor. Few issues are proving to be as difficult to understand and as difficult to respond to.
In a world where the stories of those striving to live gospel standards become lost in the turbulent sea of sexual and gender politics—scientific, social, and religious—and where secular perception is such that if you experience various attractions and gender dysphoria, the only apparent way to live true to who you are is to pursue lifestyle paths inconsistent with the doctrines and teachings of the Church, we at North Star provide a positive and balanced path within the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
We at North Star believe God would have us balance heartfelt compassion, unfeigned love, emotional sensitivity, and open-mindedness with a devotion to eternal principles and to our eternal identities and potential as His sons and daughters.

Our stories are individual and unique. We represent many ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Aside from our efforts to live the gospel and apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives, we come from different places and perspectives concerning same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria.
For some, sexuality and gender identity are largely a non-issue; others still struggle to find resolution. Some have never acted on their attractions or been involved in same-sex relationships; others have left the Church at one point and have since returned or are returning. Some are married - others are single.
Some choose to self-identify as gay or lesbian or transgender - others don’t.
Despite our differences, we feel united in our faith and commitment to live true to the commandments of the Lord. Wherever you fall in this spectrum of experience or in your journey on the path of discipleship, you’ll find a safe place here.