Jeff & Sarah

Jeff was raised across the US and Europe as an Air Force “brat” and is the second of six children in a strong, religiously active LDS family. From 1993-1995, he served a mission in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and has since served in the Church as primary pianist and chorister, ward organist, Elder’s Quorum President, working in the Boy Scout organization, an early morning seminary teacher, and ward mission leader. He and his amazingly talented and beautiful wife, Sarah, have been married for 22 years and are the parents of one son and two daughters. They currently reside in Pleasant Grove, UT.

Full Interview [ 45 minutes ]

Highlights Interview [ 13 minutes ] CLICK HERE

No More a Stranger, Nor A Guest - Jeff

I had opportunities presented to me to act on my attractions. I crossed paths with many men living an openly gay lifestyle, men who invited me to join them. Something always held me back. I found myself in the moment of decision and I couldn’t shake the feeling that what I valued the most were my LDS associations and my testimony of the Church.