Online communities, recorded broadcasts, and in-person events designed to support and strengthen you in your personal journey.

Check out Our Upcoming Events

North Star hosts firesides, retreats, workshops, community online and in-person gatherings, as well as an annual conference. These are great resources for individuals who experience same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria who desire to live a Christ-centered, covenant-keeping life filled with peace and joy.

Join us for North Star’s annual Conference, June 15-17, 2023 at the Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT. This is a wonderful opportunity for LGBTQ saints, family members, friends, and church leaders to experience “Strength Beyond My Own” as we learn and grow together. Check back often for registration and ticket information.

North Star hosts a variety of private Facebook community groups, catering to various demographics, intended to provide a confidential, safe, and moderated forum in which you can offer and receive support in your efforts to faithfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

North Star sponsors inspirational, relatable, and timely message about overcoming challenges faced by individuals experiencing same-sex attraction and gender identity struggles and learning to trust in the Lord.

The annual North Star Conference features keynote sessions and a host of topical breakout sessions facilitated by church leaders, scholars and mental health professionals as well as individuals who personally experience same-sex attraction or gender identity issues and are committed to living their lives in accordance with the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family members and church leaders who seek to create an environment of love and understanding will benefit from sessions designed specifically for those providing support to loved ones and those within their stewardship.

Northern Lights is the official blog of North Star International. The articles and essays shared here explore the intersection of the LGBT experience and our faith in Jesus Christ. Articles are authored by a group of recurring contributors as well as invited guest authors. All articles are panel-reviewed to ensure that they are inline with current understanding of the subjects of same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria as well as the teachings of the Church.